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Smudge Stick - Fuchsite, Rosemary, Sage & Lavender

Fuchsite- Stone of happiness, miracles, blessings, renewal, and rejuvenation. Imparts resilience after trauma or emotional tension. It is thought to intensify and facilitate the transfer of energy from other minerals and increase flexibility in the body.     The Sage used here in our shop in locally grown and Organic, we pride ourselves for using and supporting local small business and farmers for all of our supplies. Sage has an earthy natural aroma and is a wonderful tool for refreshing a sacred space. To clear negative or muddled energies from a room or area.     Rosemary- Male in nature and ruled by Leo, the element is Fire and the Sun also the Moom depending who you ask.

Smudge Stick - Fuchsite, Rosemary, Sage & Lavender
